About Me

My passion for cooking has deep roots in family traditions and early experiences in the kitchen. My home kitchen stories are inspired by the warmth and joy of family meals. Born and raised south of India “God’s own country” Kerala. My love for food and cooking began at a young age, witnessing my mother prepare meals for our family. The memories created around the dining table and the happiness in the kitchen during those family meals left a lasting impression. The joy and passion for cooking, as well as the desire to create memorable experiences motivated me to pursue a career in the culinary industry. The satisfaction of bringing people together through food and creating those special moments around the dining table are at the heart of my culinary stories. With over 20 years of experience with internationally recognized hotel brands like Marriott, Hyatt, Intercontinental, Starwood is a testament to high level of skill and professionalism. One of my standout qualities is specialization in pre-opening and opening hotels. My culinary philosophy is rooted in a deep appreciation for fresh, locally sourced ingredients, and it reflects a commitment to both exceptional taste and community support. Locally sourced Farm-to-Table Connection, Creating Lasting Memories through storytelling food, are some key elements of my culinary philosophy.


“Food is an Emotion”

Food is not only a nourishment, also it is an “Emotion” that we have become habituated. Food is connected with emotions, nutrition, thoughts, and social interactions.
Recipes often carry emotional significance, cultural heritage, family traditions, or cherished memories. The process of cooking and sharing a meal is a source of joy, gathering people and creating positive emotions.Exploring recipes from your past or trying new ones can be a delightful and emotionally enriching experience.Share a specific recipe that holds a strong emotional connection for you. And we will share your recipe, don’t forget to write a story that why your signature recipe is emotionally connected with you.

Share your emotional recipe

Submit your signature recipe, picture of the dish and your picture in chefs white. Love to hear your story, what makes the recipe special for you. We will publish your recipe on this platform.

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